Sunday, 29 January 2012

Global Context: week 3-4.Money, debt, international crisis, duality, and the common context.

Money, debt, and international debt crisis.

      When I think money, how it come, when it goes, these kinds of question end up in the bank. I think the bank made money be collect interest from loan. I never know the bank alway print new money for the loan. It comes to my mind that if it print only the principle amount, where is the money to pay the interest. There will be someone who suffer from debt. According to the Greek debt crisis, It shows a sample the interest is much bigger than the country can generate. US is in the same situation, but they have more power to rise the dept celling, the centre of world finance, to handle an economic recession. As well as, the important of creditability, I cannot borrow money if I do not have good credit; pay on time, no bad debt, and so on.

      By looking at the debt report on the news, keep in mind that there are someone controlling behind the phase. The news won't alway show the true information. We need to consider all aspects to find the true. For example, when look at the debt report Canada shown very high in red zone, we might think why, is it possible. But, we did not conclude long term asset that Canada have; oil, building, mineral, or other resources. Thus, If we be able to see two side of story; we will be able to move in the right direction.

        Duality, we must see the world, economic, and political, in two parts because one part can be benefit and other part may hurt others. How can we value one over another? I would say,  minimizing problem, will hurt less people.    

Duality and common context variables.

We need to consider these variables to analyse the country by using models that reasonable and able to solve the problem.  

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