Sunday, 15 January 2012

MBA502 Global context ~ week 1 & 2

 This is a first and second week of MBA 502 Global context journal.

       I have learn that different people have different perceptions set by medias, as I did a exercise in class, as a group we have to draw a world map and write what we thing, either good or bad things, of other countries based on our nationality. I had work with Chinese students, the way that they look at my country is different than my point of view. My self, as a Thai resident, think of my country that I have a traditional culture, food, and language. On the other hand, other group members tend to look at night life, entertainment point of view; a lady boy, shows, night club. Thus, it is about a media and people perception, which set up informations to people mind.

      However, it does not mean the media did wrong thing, I just say that the power of media is very powerful, if we receive any information without step back and think, it could be misleading when we take an action toward those information. For example, when there was 19/11 all medias, news paper, radio, and TV channel, had come up with all the tactic and military equipment used to entry Iraq, and many people died caused the war. Is it right that those media show up the anger, and  eager to fight back? yet, it is a media to present the two side of story.

      Therefor, after first class I learn that I must "Learn to question everything you believe" and "See two sides to how things work in the world." This will change the way I look to myself and to other people. But, in business world, the best thing to do rather than decide right or wrong is to minimize the cost and go over it because one thing can be good for one person but it could be harm to other. It is how we look at the object.

     The way to understand reason be hide the action is to step back and ask yourself why. Again, it class I ask to get the result of the 3 employees problem. As I try to think who is the most reasonable, it comes up that everyone is right but it depends on the task and their personal oriented. There are 3 groups of people as the success orientation show below:    
1. Relationship oriented: this person will achieve this or her goal using relationship either from friends, co worker, or other relative.
2. Process oriented: this person will follow step by step bring to achieve the goal. He will do his work as the instruction said or the rule to finish the work.
3. Goal oriented: this person will try everything to finish his or her goal. He will make sure that everything is collect by the dead line.

      However, everyone will have 2 oriented in themselves, it can be relation + process, or process + goal; thus, if the work assigned on the right person, the work will success effectively.
The corruption will happen when the process is entrust because  goal oriented will do everything to achieve their goal, and relationship oriented will use everyone to be success. Thus, it is important that the process,          
government, laws, is trust and transparency so that everyone believe and trust.  

      Duality, 2 sides story, good vs bad, war vs peace, ...
It is difficult to decide either good or bad, right or wrong for people in a business or a real world, because it has to deal with money and norm of person.
one group can say that it made money for us whether it harm for your environment but we will pay and help you, at the end, it just comes to who get the most benefit from the activities.  


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