Monday, 5 December 2011

Week 10 Marketing

This week is a last journal. Today I have finished watch movie that lift from last week. I get the idea of placement and advertising product, which I can conclude that advertising is affected on people, without notice, it is all around us. But, this last week I concern more about how can I present my Marketing project in an efficient way. Also, my partner and I will need to finish the paper that due on next monday together with presentation. I feel that work as two people is more effective than three or four people. Even, we have different ideas but somehow it becomes one idea. I also learn that work as teamwork is more productive. Each person needs to be responsible to their work. Moreover, the preparation presentation, some people may think that it is easy putting words and picture together but it takes me three days to finished 14 slides.
Today I seen my classmate present their project which are Uncle Ben and Viagra, they did a great job and set high expectation for the next presentation. Therefore, I need to spend time on both finishing paper and preparing my speech.

As a result, I think that this course not only teach me about marketing, it also prepare me to go out in a business environment with both project oriented and presenting. Therefore, I will keep practice my skills so I can find better job and get high returns.

Lastly, I need to thank to Paul, my Marketing professor, who has the most interesting way of teaching and very professional marketer. I learn a lots from him. He has changed my way of looking at products which helps me save lots of money. Thank again for the valuable knowledge.  

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