Sunday, 27 November 2011

The greatest movie ever sold 2011 is very interesting movie!!

"The Greatest Movie Ever Sold ( 2011)"

      I missed the class on monday, but I heard that in-class we watched a movie called " The Greatest movie ever sold 2011. " so, I watched it on weekend.  I feel that it is very interesting movie, because it show how brand can involve in the movie. It has so much power because of the amount of money that they supply for filming movie. This movie point up that there are things that film maker and company need to focus before invest in the movie; such as, who will be the sponsor, how to place them, who is the target.
      It is not easy like I think, because it will be a limitation from the companies that sponsor to the movie. Like,  it allow to only drink POM juice, and drive only Mini car. In general, I see many products that show up in the movie but it doesn't mean anything to me. Bu now I can see that every single product in the movie will give money to the movie maker and also it have a requirement to speak or set up in such a way that audiences clearly see the product. The company will think about their brand when the movie ready to play. Because it may be either positive or negative to its brand.

      And as I saw from the movie, those companies that sponsor making movie ask for many thing to be represent in the movie itself. As one of the guy said, the movie writher will have power over the brand when the movie or show is famous and well doing. But for the major company that invest big money, they can do or even change a script of the movie. Now I can understand why sometime in the movie a character start to show the product and speck like he or she is trying to sell the product.

      The important point from the beginning of the movie I think is that a concept of brand personality which it will describe about how we think of ourself. Like 5 forces and 3 level awareness that I learn from the class. However, the movie was not finished yet, I will watch a second half of the movie on monday. It will be another great point to mention for sure, I can feel that.

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