Saturday, 12 November 2011

Advertising for week 7


      Normally, when I think about advertise something, it will be how to represent a product in a attractive way. It could be a good image of the product, the high quality and high standard of the product, or even the brand name of the product. Those kind of thing are important, yet, it doesn't really in the most efficient advertise that catch the customers' desire.

      In class, I have notice the better ways to improve my though about advertise goods and services. I should consider this points when I am doing adv for goods
1. it must be triggered or promised to the target market
2. expose the target market in some sort of message to purchase more
3. include the best things of our product, competitive advantage, resources, technologies
4. something that benefit beside the expected value of the product (augment)
5. who can efficency connected to customers and increase the purchase
and it not only the TV channel or news paper that allow advertising product. there are many ways such as radio, posters, magazine, e-mail, website, and online sources that suit to each target group. Therefore, mixing the advertising methods above with the market channels, it is definitely will lead business an achievement.    

      As I also learn from the class, the fun past of that day was drawing my advertising plan or call "advertising mockups." Every groups in my class decide what the product promise to the customers, the advantage among other competitors, and the strength of the product and draw it on the paper. and it follow by the class discussion. I was having fun drawing my ideas on the "Ricola" advertise.
  It represent a "Ricola" 13 herbs candy that help you from coughing, sore throat, and healthy. The angel is a mother of nature(natural herbal) gives "Ricola" to a sick boy. After he took it, he become better, healthier, and stronger. Therefore, he turns himself into a wide animal, strong and energetic, say "RICOLA." This is my sample of advertising a product.   

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