Monday, 7 November 2011

Channel for the best target group, Week Sixth

The Best Channel for the target groups: this is a process for my project.
The channel for Timberland's boots

Channel is a medium that deliver emotions of the product with the propose of getting attention and creating a purchasing opportunity from consumers. The hiking boots is a big competitive market, only one or two channels could not compete with other brands in the market. Therefore, the combination of the following sectors will expound both quantity and revenue for hiking boots industries.
    • online store (information about the product and sell)
      • order, view details about product
      • limited suppliers in some countries
    • sport club, gym (advertise and catch consumers’ attention)
      • sub-conscious, when we see a good looking person wear or do something, we tend to think that if we wear or do the same things. We will look good as that person.
    • healthy model, lean, smart (inspiration and deliver message to consumer’s subconscious)
      • the model that is going to represent the product must be lean, healthy, energetic characteristic. Because, we try to use the look(face) of people to deliver the emotions.  
    • high-end sport wear store (show the product and answer any questions)
      • status, show off, not much about answer and question for the inspiration target group.
    • travel magazine, “Backpacker” (advertise new product, get attention)
      I not really sure that I can combine multi channel to deliver the feeling to customers or not.  Thus, it kinds of gathering ideas of the possible channels for the Boots.

Channel =? Tunnel + Car 
                    Tunnel ~ a passage to deliver 
                    Car ~ a massage or feeling that go through to the customers

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