Sunday, 25 March 2012

The 6th Journal of Global Context

Dimension of environment

      In class, I learn to step back and dig down to the deep level using all the dimensions from the previous class; demographic, geographic, economic, political, historical, etc... but the last thing that I help me to understand the relationship is environment. 

Yin-Yang a true reflection of human, society, believe, everything that have two side or duality meaning. I know that in the light will have shadow, in bad people there are good behaviour, in the rich there are richer or without poor there aren't rich people. The sample way is one thing cannot live, happen, stay without another. Some people might say that the white and black inside the cycle is the same but if we include the black outline the black part will have more than the white part, which I also agree but in the context of today society. 

the outline part is our environment that keep us moving inside. We need to do thing according to religious, law, rule, believe, nation, and anything that block us. If I refer the black part is a bad behaviour I can see that today people and our society have a thicker outline than the past history. And the black dot on the white part have a bigger area. Since people think about themselves then people have less love between each other. For the good people who alway do good thing now they are changed. They will feel that someone will try to take something from them. They instead of giving now they try to give for a bigger gain.        

Therefore, if I, we, business, understand the environment or the block that people always move along then it can be a tool or an estimator for us to fine the way on goal achievement.  

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