Sunday, 25 March 2012

Fifth journal Practice and mid term exam

        After the practice and the midterm exam I feel that "going deeper" skills of mine still need improvement. I did the exam exactly doing the practice however I relay on the same structure like how people have problem about communication, language, transportation, and so on. But I forget that the simple problem like Polish people also made the same recipe as the company. The label and the packaging of the product need to change like "lb" to "mg" and english to polish.I make assumptions of these problems that it is common and people known about it. This is like putting our perspective to other. As Paul taught me from the class and even the previous semester that as a marketer, we should not put our thought, feeling, understanding, or assumption that other will have the same thinking process. The dimension that i mention on the exam case are demographic, infrastructure, language&relationship, and little bit about the culture. The last bit of culture is very important because the culture tell marketer how to do business with the polish entrepreneurs. The polish people suffer from soviet war which make them hold a strong relationship. Thus, I loss mark from missing a section of answer --> History --> Culture --> Business oriented 

Then the week after exam I learn about corruption, bribe or not to bribe, that is the question?

As I came from a country that have a high level of corruption, I can say that bribery is interconnected with way of doing business. But it down not mean that doing business is alway need bribery. In class, I need to answer a question that ask I should bribe or not. First answer of mind is I will bribe because I want to keep my job and position which I thought that if my boss asks me to do it and I disobey this order he will fire me. According to the Canadian law, if you are a permanent resident of Canada get fired from work place, you still have income from an union or the government. But the country that I come from does not have this kind of support, or even have the income is not enough for living. However, after I step back and thing about it I can see that if I agree to bribe other company, I will lose my person value. I will be un trustful person and non-honest person. On the other hands, the company might test me for trustworthy because the bribing can cost company tons of problem since the worker work for his/her own interest instead of the company's goal. Moreover, since I start doing bribe for once the next time and the follow I will need to do it without refusing.                     

Thus, bribe or not bribe, I will need to consider about my own self-value. If I say no at first I already setup my personal protection, I am trustworthy, honest, and high value compare to those whom bribing. 

Doing business is like waling in maze path. It will reach the same exit, by walking inside or cheating walking outside, but different is time. In that long period of time, I can build my reputation, quality, train employee, better strategy, many thing can be improve, and the end reach the goal. Corruption will take least time to get the same goal the principal of the company is not strong for the future circumstance. Thus, for me I will choose to walk in the long path for a better future.     

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