Monday, 10 October 2011

Marketing week 2.2 the Kotler's five production levels.

Second Week Marketing ( 2.2 )

     As what I said last entry, the Kotler's Five production Levels, a chart that use to determine the emotional needs that linked consumer to the product. I have tried to do this chart with my choice of product which is a hiking footwear, Timberland, it come out quite well as the following below.

      This chart describe the core of the product or a core benefit, what is the consumer need. Next levels are the generic product, expected product, argumented product, and potential product. It is mainly the general product attribute, what consumer want from the product, what to improve from present, and how it may the consumer feel from the core benefit of the product.

     I did the chart with a footwear product from Timberland company. I can see that the hiking shoe from Timberland will lead consumer to be confident to enjoy outside city environment. Able to discovery a new lifestyle that fresh and healthy like never before. You can carry, walk, jump, and climb with all the support and protection provided from the shoe. A person who wear this shoe will be notice by other people because the shoe is unique, stylist, and required some amount of income to have it. That will make better status for that person in society. Therefore, as a consumer, this company will make me better off no matter how much I am welling to spend for the shoe that suited only for me.

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