Monday, 3 October 2011

Week two of Marketing...very interesting way finding how product and emotion are connected.

      Doing a reflection by using the reflection spiral is really help summarizing most of detail form class. It push me to think back to what did I study, discuss, and general ideas. Also, lead me to use and apply method in to my daily life.

      Today, I study how can emotions affected to customers' purchasing power for goods. For example, the pick-up truck, normally, when I see this kind of car I will think that the person, who drive the car, use it for carrying heavy load or have some kind of construction career. But, I forget to think that before anyone buy something, he or she must has an inspiration for this goods. In this case, a person who bough the pick-up truck may want to show off his car; nice stereo system, shinny rim, and clean look, or he or she really need to use it. Nonetheless, it is to be attractive and get attention from other people. Guy wants girl to think that he is smart, strong, clean, and cool. Girl wants a single man to start her life with. Therefore, to get attention and present a message or meaning that hidden under look and image might be a true reason for buy a car. I like and never imagine how much time and afford that spend on an advertisement to get customers' attention. It is challenging me to think deeper and deeper to the level 3, marketer level, and the link between customer's belief and the emotion or feeling that affect to customer.        

     Customers not really buy the actual products, but they buy what can make them feel good and protect them from fear; which both of them are called emotion. I found that it is true and very useful for a marketing planer to play around with customers' feeling. But, I am not saying that playing with people's fear is good thing to do. I always love to buy product that give me a good feeling; for instance, a vitamin, natural water, or something that make me think "it is good for me I will buy that ." Fear, it is like I am going to travel elsewhere, I might need a health insurance. I do not want to get skin cancer, then I will end up buy a sun screen.

     Therefore, from now on, I will look around and watch other people how they manager to purchase their products. Are they afraid of something? What make your feel good? Why you buy that stuff in stead of this? ... and so on. This way I believe I will know other people little secret by looking at their shopping cart. (it may not be what I suppose to learn and use it in this way)

     Some marketing maker like to play with customers subconscious.  
When I watch a video in class, I found that our subconsciousness play an important role of consumption goods and services. The subconsciousness is something that observer obtain information without noticed. It will go through mind and hide itself underneath. I heard once story about a message that hidden in advertise. It shown a word "sex" somewhere on the scene or run very fast that even our eyes cannot catch it; but somehow, our subconscious will recognize it. The word "sex" is, in reality and naturally, all living things like animals and humans have to play their role. Therefore, it have power to force us to do or to pay more attention on something especially. And thus, after watch this advertisement, it may and will cost our consideration and encourage us to buy the product.    

     After I get home, I watched the "power thirst" on youtube again. But, this time, it gave me a difference feeling from what I got from the class. In class, I was fill of anger and some power is going to explode. It might be from the speech, picture, text, and sound from background that give that emotions. But, from the beginning, it almost made me in tears; however, I started to laugh at some point. Perhaps, because I loosed my dog last night and that feeling still within me. Anyway, it is very interesting that 24 million people have watched this video and the effect from this video able to make me feel power without drinking it.    

     Lastly, I learn to do Kotler's chart, I must drive a main point of the product through what customer will feel/ have emotional of product. It is very complicated and difficult for me to get through expected and augment product parts. But, by the end of next two week, I will or would be able to do so. Lots of practices will help me get through this.

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