Saturday 31 March 2012

7th Global Context: The Final Journey

The Final Journey of my Global Context class.

This is the last reflection of the Global Context with Paul, and thank you for bringing me and my friend a duality of truth. The process of seeing truth is to step back and see the deeper layer of information that have shown in many media.

       With the presentation of my classmates bring up an interested topic to focus like will Africa stay with the same economic growth because the corruption within country or it will more forward because of the movement of city development and improve in technology. With the groups presented and what I have in mind were that Africa has greater change to stay under developing country if the corruption still occurred.
Moreover, the topic like Oil, India, Avaaz, Currency and many other are also interested to take in to consideration since these topics will improve how I see the world. Like reading books, there are many information that waiting for me to open and read but how many of them say the truth or try not to ben the truth for reader especially a politic and economic news.

      I will use what I learn in the class and applies in my business plan and my life. Because of this, I will see which product is good for this region, people, religion but not suit for other. History helps to understand the culture then the performance of people. Environment is a block that people move along inside, like ration, status, popularity, values that categorize people. If I can determined any of this variable that people rely on then I can use it to target them. Agin thank Paul for bringing a good lecture environment and helping me understand the subject.


Sunday 25 March 2012

The 6th Journal of Global Context

Dimension of environment

      In class, I learn to step back and dig down to the deep level using all the dimensions from the previous class; demographic, geographic, economic, political, historical, etc... but the last thing that I help me to understand the relationship is environment. 

Yin-Yang a true reflection of human, society, believe, everything that have two side or duality meaning. I know that in the light will have shadow, in bad people there are good behaviour, in the rich there are richer or without poor there aren't rich people. The sample way is one thing cannot live, happen, stay without another. Some people might say that the white and black inside the cycle is the same but if we include the black outline the black part will have more than the white part, which I also agree but in the context of today society. 

the outline part is our environment that keep us moving inside. We need to do thing according to religious, law, rule, believe, nation, and anything that block us. If I refer the black part is a bad behaviour I can see that today people and our society have a thicker outline than the past history. And the black dot on the white part have a bigger area. Since people think about themselves then people have less love between each other. For the good people who alway do good thing now they are changed. They will feel that someone will try to take something from them. They instead of giving now they try to give for a bigger gain.        

Therefore, if I, we, business, understand the environment or the block that people always move along then it can be a tool or an estimator for us to fine the way on goal achievement.  

Fifth journal Practice and mid term exam

        After the practice and the midterm exam I feel that "going deeper" skills of mine still need improvement. I did the exam exactly doing the practice however I relay on the same structure like how people have problem about communication, language, transportation, and so on. But I forget that the simple problem like Polish people also made the same recipe as the company. The label and the packaging of the product need to change like "lb" to "mg" and english to polish.I make assumptions of these problems that it is common and people known about it. This is like putting our perspective to other. As Paul taught me from the class and even the previous semester that as a marketer, we should not put our thought, feeling, understanding, or assumption that other will have the same thinking process. The dimension that i mention on the exam case are demographic, infrastructure, language&relationship, and little bit about the culture. The last bit of culture is very important because the culture tell marketer how to do business with the polish entrepreneurs. The polish people suffer from soviet war which make them hold a strong relationship. Thus, I loss mark from missing a section of answer --> History --> Culture --> Business oriented 

Then the week after exam I learn about corruption, bribe or not to bribe, that is the question?

As I came from a country that have a high level of corruption, I can say that bribery is interconnected with way of doing business. But it down not mean that doing business is alway need bribery. In class, I need to answer a question that ask I should bribe or not. First answer of mind is I will bribe because I want to keep my job and position which I thought that if my boss asks me to do it and I disobey this order he will fire me. According to the Canadian law, if you are a permanent resident of Canada get fired from work place, you still have income from an union or the government. But the country that I come from does not have this kind of support, or even have the income is not enough for living. However, after I step back and thing about it I can see that if I agree to bribe other company, I will lose my person value. I will be un trustful person and non-honest person. On the other hands, the company might test me for trustworthy because the bribing can cost company tons of problem since the worker work for his/her own interest instead of the company's goal. Moreover, since I start doing bribe for once the next time and the follow I will need to do it without refusing.                     

Thus, bribe or not bribe, I will need to consider about my own self-value. If I say no at first I already setup my personal protection, I am trustworthy, honest, and high value compare to those whom bribing. 

Doing business is like waling in maze path. It will reach the same exit, by walking inside or cheating walking outside, but different is time. In that long period of time, I can build my reputation, quality, train employee, better strategy, many thing can be improve, and the end reach the goal. Corruption will take least time to get the same goal the principal of the company is not strong for the future circumstance. Thus, for me I will choose to walk in the long path for a better future.     

Sunday 12 February 2012

week 6 Movement is consistent in global context.

Before finding any career I need to ask my self do I have any abilities that fit my future career, which I always think that I do not have any skill. Now, let focus on what the employer want from employees before hiring them.

10 things employers want from a new hire
communication skills
team work skills
interpersonal skills
motivation and motivative
strong work ethic
analytical skill
flexibility and ...
computer skills
self confident

from the list I feel that I have less than half, mean I need to improve some skills before applying job and improve during working. for example, I lack of communication skill I am thinking to join in a toast master club. A volunteer for my interpersonal skills. And go out in community, social event, club, to make a social network.     
In order to be effective and improve my personality, I need to get the grade system out go my head!!!!!!!!
1. set personal goals: new clients, sale among,  {evaluate the outcome}
2. open to feedback: coworker(/), family(?), friends(?), boss(/), profs(x), customers(/), employee(/)  
bias(?) valuable(/) useless(x)
3. self evaluation: goal, value, happiness, current?,  survey, reflection,

These kind of thing will evaluate my skill in school, work place, and normal life base on my performance and people opinion to improve my self awareness.

Week 5 Global Context, Dimensions of Truth

Dimensions of Truth: History & Culture

Normally people will often look or think about something in the same ways. We will use our past experiences put into the object. Sometime it causes a losing in alternative solving problem. I usually have this "conceptual block" that limited my self in one way thinking. Therefore, to practice thinking out off the box, or generate more alternative outcome I can improve by (to be observe, think differently, and get better)

1. mediation focus & attention
i will be able to look at myself in deep, see what can i react differently if it happened again.
2. systematic - look for logic be hide things
set up a step, follow the step and generate more outcome.
3. visualize things
not only see thing as it is but think creatively, the shape, colour, texture can refer to something meaningful.
4. assume there is another perspective - it musts be at least other aspect
ask myself if other people face the same problem how can they do, could they change the result?
5. build your self awareness
the main key for any job for any person, it is a personal ability that handle with unexpected situation, how they think, and how they live. High self awareness will help person solve problems more effectively and efficiency.
6. ask the right questions
with out right question being ask, I cannot find the right answer for the problem. thus, to find out the right answer i will need the right question due to time, person, and place.
7. Theater game - act yourself as other characters
Another tools to practice the changing of thought, ways of thinking, and handling a situation.
8. get to know other culture - club, temple, ... : you will meet people with different thinking from you.
9. break habits - if you feel comfortable, you will close any new things that come to us. even though, safeness. ( which it narrows the perspective, thinking ) we need to make it bigger that open new informations to stay. Therefore, we need to live not safe, not comfortable, and challenge risk.    
"Curiosity" will keep us learning. "Hope for the future," "Better life."
11. put yourself in their situation

Therefor, a small step that begin will make a big jump in the future. We know we can do it, thus, we can do it after all. ( it need to happen consciously, already know what gonna change. ) Therefore, ask question for every things.    

With all those steps will encourage me to break my habit, cross my sensitive line, able to  handle unexpected situation, and improve my personality. Making connection or social networking I believe it is a strong bridge for meeting different ideas.

Not only those method that I can learn alternative idea, I also can learn from the past, the history and culture of one place, person, country to come up with the creative answer.

Historical - - Culture - - Business

like doing business in other countries, China, Thailand, Canada, and so on. I need to understand the history, the ethical, the cultural of the country and people in certain area before doing any thing else.
Because people all way willing to accept in different things; they have different religions, languages, regulation systems, demography, and geography. Therefore, to understand these aspects before starting business is a must thing to do.    

Sunday 29 January 2012

Global Context: week 3-4.Money, debt, international crisis, duality, and the common context.

Money, debt, and international debt crisis.

      When I think money, how it come, when it goes, these kinds of question end up in the bank. I think the bank made money be collect interest from loan. I never know the bank alway print new money for the loan. It comes to my mind that if it print only the principle amount, where is the money to pay the interest. There will be someone who suffer from debt. According to the Greek debt crisis, It shows a sample the interest is much bigger than the country can generate. US is in the same situation, but they have more power to rise the dept celling, the centre of world finance, to handle an economic recession. As well as, the important of creditability, I cannot borrow money if I do not have good credit; pay on time, no bad debt, and so on.

      By looking at the debt report on the news, keep in mind that there are someone controlling behind the phase. The news won't alway show the true information. We need to consider all aspects to find the true. For example, when look at the debt report Canada shown very high in red zone, we might think why, is it possible. But, we did not conclude long term asset that Canada have; oil, building, mineral, or other resources. Thus, If we be able to see two side of story; we will be able to move in the right direction.

        Duality, we must see the world, economic, and political, in two parts because one part can be benefit and other part may hurt others. How can we value one over another? I would say,  minimizing problem, will hurt less people.    

Duality and common context variables.

We need to consider these variables to analyse the country by using models that reasonable and able to solve the problem.  

Sunday 15 January 2012

MBA502 Global context ~ week 1 & 2

 This is a first and second week of MBA 502 Global context journal.

       I have learn that different people have different perceptions set by medias, as I did a exercise in class, as a group we have to draw a world map and write what we thing, either good or bad things, of other countries based on our nationality. I had work with Chinese students, the way that they look at my country is different than my point of view. My self, as a Thai resident, think of my country that I have a traditional culture, food, and language. On the other hand, other group members tend to look at night life, entertainment point of view; a lady boy, shows, night club. Thus, it is about a media and people perception, which set up informations to people mind.

      However, it does not mean the media did wrong thing, I just say that the power of media is very powerful, if we receive any information without step back and think, it could be misleading when we take an action toward those information. For example, when there was 19/11 all medias, news paper, radio, and TV channel, had come up with all the tactic and military equipment used to entry Iraq, and many people died caused the war. Is it right that those media show up the anger, and  eager to fight back? yet, it is a media to present the two side of story.

      Therefor, after first class I learn that I must "Learn to question everything you believe" and "See two sides to how things work in the world." This will change the way I look to myself and to other people. But, in business world, the best thing to do rather than decide right or wrong is to minimize the cost and go over it because one thing can be good for one person but it could be harm to other. It is how we look at the object.

     The way to understand reason be hide the action is to step back and ask yourself why. Again, it class I ask to get the result of the 3 employees problem. As I try to think who is the most reasonable, it comes up that everyone is right but it depends on the task and their personal oriented. There are 3 groups of people as the success orientation show below:    
1. Relationship oriented: this person will achieve this or her goal using relationship either from friends, co worker, or other relative.
2. Process oriented: this person will follow step by step bring to achieve the goal. He will do his work as the instruction said or the rule to finish the work.
3. Goal oriented: this person will try everything to finish his or her goal. He will make sure that everything is collect by the dead line.

      However, everyone will have 2 oriented in themselves, it can be relation + process, or process + goal; thus, if the work assigned on the right person, the work will success effectively.
The corruption will happen when the process is entrust because  goal oriented will do everything to achieve their goal, and relationship oriented will use everyone to be success. Thus, it is important that the process,          
government, laws, is trust and transparency so that everyone believe and trust.  

      Duality, 2 sides story, good vs bad, war vs peace, ...
It is difficult to decide either good or bad, right or wrong for people in a business or a real world, because it has to deal with money and norm of person.
one group can say that it made money for us whether it harm for your environment but we will pay and help you, at the end, it just comes to who get the most benefit from the activities.