Monday, 5 December 2011

Week 10 Marketing

This week is a last journal. Today I have finished watch movie that lift from last week. I get the idea of placement and advertising product, which I can conclude that advertising is affected on people, without notice, it is all around us. But, this last week I concern more about how can I present my Marketing project in an efficient way. Also, my partner and I will need to finish the paper that due on next monday together with presentation. I feel that work as two people is more effective than three or four people. Even, we have different ideas but somehow it becomes one idea. I also learn that work as teamwork is more productive. Each person needs to be responsible to their work. Moreover, the preparation presentation, some people may think that it is easy putting words and picture together but it takes me three days to finished 14 slides.
Today I seen my classmate present their project which are Uncle Ben and Viagra, they did a great job and set high expectation for the next presentation. Therefore, I need to spend time on both finishing paper and preparing my speech.

As a result, I think that this course not only teach me about marketing, it also prepare me to go out in a business environment with both project oriented and presenting. Therefore, I will keep practice my skills so I can find better job and get high returns.

Lastly, I need to thank to Paul, my Marketing professor, who has the most interesting way of teaching and very professional marketer. I learn a lots from him. He has changed my way of looking at products which helps me save lots of money. Thank again for the valuable knowledge.  

Sunday, 27 November 2011

The greatest movie ever sold 2011 is very interesting movie!!

"The Greatest Movie Ever Sold ( 2011)"

      I missed the class on monday, but I heard that in-class we watched a movie called " The Greatest movie ever sold 2011. " so, I watched it on weekend.  I feel that it is very interesting movie, because it show how brand can involve in the movie. It has so much power because of the amount of money that they supply for filming movie. This movie point up that there are things that film maker and company need to focus before invest in the movie; such as, who will be the sponsor, how to place them, who is the target.
      It is not easy like I think, because it will be a limitation from the companies that sponsor to the movie. Like,  it allow to only drink POM juice, and drive only Mini car. In general, I see many products that show up in the movie but it doesn't mean anything to me. Bu now I can see that every single product in the movie will give money to the movie maker and also it have a requirement to speak or set up in such a way that audiences clearly see the product. The company will think about their brand when the movie ready to play. Because it may be either positive or negative to its brand.

      And as I saw from the movie, those companies that sponsor making movie ask for many thing to be represent in the movie itself. As one of the guy said, the movie writher will have power over the brand when the movie or show is famous and well doing. But for the major company that invest big money, they can do or even change a script of the movie. Now I can understand why sometime in the movie a character start to show the product and speck like he or she is trying to sell the product.

      The important point from the beginning of the movie I think is that a concept of brand personality which it will describe about how we think of ourself. Like 5 forces and 3 level awareness that I learn from the class. However, the movie was not finished yet, I will watch a second half of the movie on monday. It will be another great point to mention for sure, I can feel that.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Advertising for week 7


      Normally, when I think about advertise something, it will be how to represent a product in a attractive way. It could be a good image of the product, the high quality and high standard of the product, or even the brand name of the product. Those kind of thing are important, yet, it doesn't really in the most efficient advertise that catch the customers' desire.

      In class, I have notice the better ways to improve my though about advertise goods and services. I should consider this points when I am doing adv for goods
1. it must be triggered or promised to the target market
2. expose the target market in some sort of message to purchase more
3. include the best things of our product, competitive advantage, resources, technologies
4. something that benefit beside the expected value of the product (augment)
5. who can efficency connected to customers and increase the purchase
and it not only the TV channel or news paper that allow advertising product. there are many ways such as radio, posters, magazine, e-mail, website, and online sources that suit to each target group. Therefore, mixing the advertising methods above with the market channels, it is definitely will lead business an achievement.    

      As I also learn from the class, the fun past of that day was drawing my advertising plan or call "advertising mockups." Every groups in my class decide what the product promise to the customers, the advantage among other competitors, and the strength of the product and draw it on the paper. and it follow by the class discussion. I was having fun drawing my ideas on the "Ricola" advertise.
  It represent a "Ricola" 13 herbs candy that help you from coughing, sore throat, and healthy. The angel is a mother of nature(natural herbal) gives "Ricola" to a sick boy. After he took it, he become better, healthier, and stronger. Therefore, he turns himself into a wide animal, strong and energetic, say "RICOLA." This is my sample of advertising a product.   

Monday, 7 November 2011

Channel for the best target group, Week Sixth

The Best Channel for the target groups: this is a process for my project.
The channel for Timberland's boots

Channel is a medium that deliver emotions of the product with the propose of getting attention and creating a purchasing opportunity from consumers. The hiking boots is a big competitive market, only one or two channels could not compete with other brands in the market. Therefore, the combination of the following sectors will expound both quantity and revenue for hiking boots industries.
    • online store (information about the product and sell)
      • order, view details about product
      • limited suppliers in some countries
    • sport club, gym (advertise and catch consumers’ attention)
      • sub-conscious, when we see a good looking person wear or do something, we tend to think that if we wear or do the same things. We will look good as that person.
    • healthy model, lean, smart (inspiration and deliver message to consumer’s subconscious)
      • the model that is going to represent the product must be lean, healthy, energetic characteristic. Because, we try to use the look(face) of people to deliver the emotions.  
    • high-end sport wear store (show the product and answer any questions)
      • status, show off, not much about answer and question for the inspiration target group.
    • travel magazine, “Backpacker” (advertise new product, get attention)
      I not really sure that I can combine multi channel to deliver the feeling to customers or not.  Thus, it kinds of gathering ideas of the possible channels for the Boots.

Channel =? Tunnel + Car 
                    Tunnel ~ a passage to deliver 
                    Car ~ a massage or feeling that go through to the customers

Monday, 24 October 2011

5th week - Position -

is a physical or service that represent as a "Symbols" that deliver a desired emotional outcome.

      The practice in class, the transportation for women between 50 to 70 year old, I did today was so much fun. everyone in class just keep thinking about the function of the car that already in our mind which ignorant the general idea and propose of moving one place to other. When I saw the given information, I just quickly thinking of a small car that have all the function of safe, reliability, match to customers' need. But, I forgot to think that there are a substitute service that met the same requirement. I put myself into the role of customer. Most of international students come from non well regulated public transportation, which we think that the women will be more safe to have her own car instead of taking bus. 

The position for Timberland Hiking Boots

Professional hikers = "my trail....I can"    
sense of adventure, exploring whole new experience.  

General users, or hikers = " Freedom, here I come"   
I can hiking anytime, I am free.
I be able to defined my best target group which are the two group above. they can make most profit and have large quantity to purchase the products. 

Not clear about the overall position things yet; however, after have a meeting with Paul, hopefully, I will understand and can come up with the right answer about Timberland position.  

Friday, 21 October 2011

Segment & The Best Target Market for week 4

       Today, I learn how to combine the 3 levels with the Kotler's five product which lead me to be able to identify the segment of the market; as well as, what will be the best target group of my products. The groups should: 
      1. be able to afford the price of the products.
      2. have some sizes so that my company will earn lots of income.
      3. be profitability.
      4. be somewhere that my product will give growth rate to my product, geography.
      5. consistency behavior for buying of my product.

     Since this can make high a profit to company, I can come up with one company that almost take everything into their account. It is an "Apple" company. Their products can be purchase by a well income target, they up date their products annually, and they have an apple store in a big town that have high population. Apple is starting to insert the "needs" or "lifestyles" of their product into kids, high school, college, and everywhere that technology can go through. Therefore, the customers will likely start to use apple's products since kids till grown up and keep forward.

      For my Timberland boots, I did imply the marketing segmentation techniques which give me a result that
     1. college students, 21-29, have money, like to do exercise, like nature, healthy, exploring 
     2. working men, 25-35, have some income, want to relax from work, do exercise, like explore nature,
     3. family with on children, 25-35, income, both like nature, exercise, like exciting experience,
     4. family with children, 25-35, income, both like nature, exercise, short hiking trail( kids ),
     5. working men, older than 35, income, want to maintain health,

      These are the segment groups that I can come up for now, but the best target groups will be only two or three from the overall segment. Which I suggest that, it will be a group 1 and 3. Because, the college students, men and women, who like to do exercise and nature tends to go out for outdoor activity compare to the student who work out in the gym. As well as, the cost of the boots is affordable for the college students, the  range of cost is 100-400. And the family with no children or a couple, they tend to exercise together. Therefore, if they all like nature, outdoor sport, and have some income. They would go for running or hiking rather than working out in the gym as well.

      The segment groups, I think that it will need more features that divide or classify them from population. Therefore, I will make an appointment with Paul to see how well I did for my product next week after class.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Week 3 progress

Thank Giving Week 
       The "3 levels" and Kotler Product Levels tools take time and effort to use, and lots of qualitative research is required to begin "decoding" what your product/service really is and what the "potential products" (also called "emotional products") are.  Being able to describe them in rich sentences is required.

Men's Timberland® Mountain Athletics® LiteTrace™ Mid Waterproof Hiker - Timberland
      As I learn from Paul and from the Kotler Product Levels, the core benefit of the product is a first level of consumer awareness. The consumer just touch only the top surface benefit of the product.

     The second level is combine the two of expected and argument level together to form a educated customer awareness which this group of customer will compare the benefit, quality, and differences between each products.  

      Lastly, the third level of marketing customer awareness is the potential emotion that customer have and response to the product.

      I did the Kotler Chart, which posted last week, I found out that the I was mass up the argument part for my Timberland footwear. The argument should be something that add other value more than the customer expected. It could be extra features of the boots that provided in case of the Timberland. Therefore, after I fixed my chart I be able to come with three samples of the strong sentences that customers, hiker, have emotions or feelings to the hiking boots.

1. I can get out from the busy world and come closer to the nature.
2. My family will be healthy.
3. People will become more environmental friendly, save today for tomorrow, keep the nature for next generations.
To come up with the strong phase, I feel that it is complicated to combine the word and emotion into a written language. However, as Paul said " Practice, practice, practice" will make me be able to ride a bicycle.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Marketing week 2.2 the Kotler's five production levels.

Second Week Marketing ( 2.2 )

     As what I said last entry, the Kotler's Five production Levels, a chart that use to determine the emotional needs that linked consumer to the product. I have tried to do this chart with my choice of product which is a hiking footwear, Timberland, it come out quite well as the following below.

      This chart describe the core of the product or a core benefit, what is the consumer need. Next levels are the generic product, expected product, argumented product, and potential product. It is mainly the general product attribute, what consumer want from the product, what to improve from present, and how it may the consumer feel from the core benefit of the product.

     I did the chart with a footwear product from Timberland company. I can see that the hiking shoe from Timberland will lead consumer to be confident to enjoy outside city environment. Able to discovery a new lifestyle that fresh and healthy like never before. You can carry, walk, jump, and climb with all the support and protection provided from the shoe. A person who wear this shoe will be notice by other people because the shoe is unique, stylist, and required some amount of income to have it. That will make better status for that person in society. Therefore, as a consumer, this company will make me better off no matter how much I am welling to spend for the shoe that suited only for me.

Monday, 3 October 2011

Week two of Marketing...very interesting way finding how product and emotion are connected.

      Doing a reflection by using the reflection spiral is really help summarizing most of detail form class. It push me to think back to what did I study, discuss, and general ideas. Also, lead me to use and apply method in to my daily life.

      Today, I study how can emotions affected to customers' purchasing power for goods. For example, the pick-up truck, normally, when I see this kind of car I will think that the person, who drive the car, use it for carrying heavy load or have some kind of construction career. But, I forget to think that before anyone buy something, he or she must has an inspiration for this goods. In this case, a person who bough the pick-up truck may want to show off his car; nice stereo system, shinny rim, and clean look, or he or she really need to use it. Nonetheless, it is to be attractive and get attention from other people. Guy wants girl to think that he is smart, strong, clean, and cool. Girl wants a single man to start her life with. Therefore, to get attention and present a message or meaning that hidden under look and image might be a true reason for buy a car. I like and never imagine how much time and afford that spend on an advertisement to get customers' attention. It is challenging me to think deeper and deeper to the level 3, marketer level, and the link between customer's belief and the emotion or feeling that affect to customer.        

     Customers not really buy the actual products, but they buy what can make them feel good and protect them from fear; which both of them are called emotion. I found that it is true and very useful for a marketing planer to play around with customers' feeling. But, I am not saying that playing with people's fear is good thing to do. I always love to buy product that give me a good feeling; for instance, a vitamin, natural water, or something that make me think "it is good for me I will buy that ." Fear, it is like I am going to travel elsewhere, I might need a health insurance. I do not want to get skin cancer, then I will end up buy a sun screen.

     Therefore, from now on, I will look around and watch other people how they manager to purchase their products. Are they afraid of something? What make your feel good? Why you buy that stuff in stead of this? ... and so on. This way I believe I will know other people little secret by looking at their shopping cart. (it may not be what I suppose to learn and use it in this way)

     Some marketing maker like to play with customers subconscious.  
When I watch a video in class, I found that our subconsciousness play an important role of consumption goods and services. The subconsciousness is something that observer obtain information without noticed. It will go through mind and hide itself underneath. I heard once story about a message that hidden in advertise. It shown a word "sex" somewhere on the scene or run very fast that even our eyes cannot catch it; but somehow, our subconscious will recognize it. The word "sex" is, in reality and naturally, all living things like animals and humans have to play their role. Therefore, it have power to force us to do or to pay more attention on something especially. And thus, after watch this advertisement, it may and will cost our consideration and encourage us to buy the product.    

     After I get home, I watched the "power thirst" on youtube again. But, this time, it gave me a difference feeling from what I got from the class. In class, I was fill of anger and some power is going to explode. It might be from the speech, picture, text, and sound from background that give that emotions. But, from the beginning, it almost made me in tears; however, I started to laugh at some point. Perhaps, because I loosed my dog last night and that feeling still within me. Anyway, it is very interesting that 24 million people have watched this video and the effect from this video able to make me feel power without drinking it.    

     Lastly, I learn to do Kotler's chart, I must drive a main point of the product through what customer will feel/ have emotional of product. It is very complicated and difficult for me to get through expected and augment product parts. But, by the end of next two week, I will or would be able to do so. Lots of practices will help me get through this.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

First week Journal Marketing 502

What I learn from class, was that marketing can take advantage from people who believe what they see in first sight, without thinking, and it is complicated to get attention from consumers, to answer to what is the most of the consumer want from the product.

"learning to ride... bicycle" and "ask the right question" 
This two phases come from Paul, my professor, give me an idea to start with my marketing course.
It is true and I agree that no one know how to ride a bike if he or she never try it. Similar to marketing, learn from well succeeded business will give you a better view and how to achieve a strong marketing plan. It take time to understand which group of people need what kind of thing.   
To ask the right question, it is not only for asking other people; yet, it is also important to ask myself "what, how, and why" to solve out consumer's desire.  

Before I used to see thing as it is. Function follow by functions. Like a pair of sunglasses.
For protecting our eyes from sun light. But if it just a pair of glasses with a dark lens, who will buy this product. It have to combine "a must and want" that consumers are looking for in the product.
A "must" is a functionality of the object that it have and consumer is looking for it.
On the other hand, the "want" is different; it may not necessary according to what consumer need beside function of the products. Most of consumer tend to grab a little of "must" and lots more of "want". Therefore, if I can figure out what people want, even a small group, I will earn high income in a short time.

People tend to believe what they see without notice there are a hided information.
This group of people, and I, are call Top-consumer level; take in any information by vision of a product and service. For example, a body lotion that have 2 times concentrated vitamin C from whatever source label on its package. When I saw this advertise, I just went to buy this lotion because it have double vitamin C in it. After I did research on how it affect to colour of skin, it turn out that they only add from 0.05 mg to 0.1 mg. it does not really work out well. Therefore, every-time I buy something, I will give it a time for research on that specific product. The company were wrong, no they are right. It is just a answer for some people who want a brighter skin who fall in to trap.
And other two levels of awareness were educated consumer level and marketer level. Which educated level is somewhat aware of the options + quality of good. For a marketer level tends to have deeper view to market. The example that Paul show me was that > car = freedom + the function of transportation.
In that case, I can increase my car's sale by focus on the right group of consumer. Like, sport car = man = sexy or strong = luxury = expensive = high class, high profit people who can afford it. Or, a van or family car = married = woman car = shopping grocery.

Marketing is a way of trying to sell product to consumers by deliver message to them, it may contain 20% of functionality and the least 80% is fancy stuffs. Some consumer will welling to purchase this product if the fancy meet their needs.
After and during my marketing course, I will keep in mind to...
1.ask myself why this product deliver this kind of message to me,
2.what does it try to make me think that way, like a toothpaste, most of dentist advise to use this brand. but only 67% of the dentist said that.
3.And is it possible or really happen like the message told me.